السبت 27-4-2024 الموافق 19 شوال 1445
السبت 27-4-2024 الموافق 19 شوال 1445
رجوع عمادة البحث العلمي والابتكار
تاريخ الخبر: الأربعاء 1-12-2021 14:00
Al-Balqa Applied University: INTERNISA project is looking for communication company expertise
( 4757 مشاهدات )  ( 0 تعليقات )

Al-Balqa Applied University, Partner of “INTERNISA” project (co-financed under the ENI CBC Med 2014-2020 Program) is looking for communication company expertise to support BAU in the implementation of activities and procedures outlined in Work Packages 2 (WP2) “Communication”, and the related dissemination activities (info days and the digital festival).


1. INTERNISA Project description

INTERNISA will bridge the digital gender gap through interventions in labour demand & supply and, hence, reduce unemployment of women in the ENI area and offer them innovative employment services. This way the project will tackle the immense double challenge for prosperity in the ENI area posed by the low participation of women in the labour market and the delayed digitalisation of ENI economies, INTERNISA will transform the labour market in four sectors (agri-food, textiles, financial, tourism) via the development of a network and interventions for the matchmaking of labour demand and supply therein based on the Search and Matching Theory that emphasizes the presence of frictions that prevent adjustment of supply and demand in the labour markets and proposes the use of market match-making mechanisms to reduce unemployment. Hence, INTERNISA will combine the provision of training for digital skills relevant with the development of online and offline services that will allow.

a) women to find employers interested in employees with marketable digital and soft skills and vice-versa

b) employers to collaborate across the ENI area for trade and know-how exchange.


2. INTERNISA project objective

Development of a labour supply & demand matching mechanism & 3 online & offline employment services in ENI territories to directly reduce the unemployment of digitally skilled women.


3. Tasks/Responsibilities/Duties as required by INTERNISA project. 

BAU is leading project communication activities, on behalf of the INTERNISA consortium. In this respect the selected candidates, responsible for the updating and implementation of the dissemination plan and branding strategy, as well as the coordination and documentation of all dissemination efforts and actions to be implemented by all partners. Taking into account the enhanced dissemination needs of the project and the expertise needed for effective implementation, an external expert responsible for updating the dissemination plan (expected to act as a dynamic document to be updated), after an evaluation to identify the most efficient means for internal and external communication, and for drafting and developing the project’s branding strategy, after designing and implementing a data collection exercise regarding target groups’ preferences related to the potential brand identify of INTERNISA. will:

Assist project communication manager in the coordination of project communication and marketing activities in Jordan and the consortium.

Animate project social media and prepare relevant material.

Prepare and upload content to project website.

Prepare project press releases.

Manage project mailing lists and newsletters.

Be responsible for project social media data analysis and reporting.

Development of INTERNISA dissemination resources

Contribute to the organization of project events in Jordan.

Considering thenhanced dissemination needs of the project and the expertise needed for effective implementation, responsible for drafting the detailed dissemination plan, identify the most efficient means for internal and external communication.

Developing and implementing the project’s branding strategy 

which is include 


Branding & Graphic Design 

? Providing graphic design services based on monthly needs within the scope of stationary, collateral material, roll ups, screens, packaging, giveaways, reports, yearly books, etc. 

? Email & Newsletter design 


Social Media platforms 

• Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn 

• 15 posts per month, adapted and resized for all digital channels 



• Marketing & communication strategy 

• Creating social media platforms 

• Advertising Strategy & KPIs 

• Monthly to weekly client’s meeting 

• Community Management 

• Monthly social media content calendar 


Content Creation 

• Content creation: Still images, GIFs, PNG, JPEG, Stock images and small social videos 

• Story content: Weekly story content (2 days), either account content resized or special content 

• Design Adaptations and resize for digital channels 

• Creative Content writing in both Arabic & English languages 

• Hashtag and direct tags strategy 



• Data analysis on monthly basis to create content based on data 

• Moderation during and after working hours ( 9 am – 6 pm) 



Social Media Advertising 

• Audience targeting and advertising strategy plan 

• Social Media Pixels integration 

• Advertising management 

• Budget management 

• Reporting KPIs and analyzing performance 


Data Analysis & Reporting:

The scope of work is for the whole project included the different countries and partners involved in the project. 

KPIs data gathering and creation of reports 

Social media performance analysis reports 

Social listening and analysis using Awario software or similar software 

Analyzing performance and creating reports and enhancements procedures. 



4. Qualifications

Registered company  

At least 10 years of professional experience in the sector of marketing and Communications 

Proven experience of delivering successful integrated marketing campaigns from concept to execution.

Ability to think creatively and critically about multimedia content. 

Excellent attention to detail.

Able to create and manage content on different social channels.

Experience with Mailchimp

Copywriting and editing skills.

Competent use of standard Microsoft Office programsincluding Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

Good knowledge of social media analytics 

Language requirement: i) English ii) Arabic iii) knowledge of French is preferable.


5. Duration

The position has a duration starting from the date of signing of the contract till the end of the INTERNISA project, which is April 2023.


6. Tentative starting date

15th of December 2021.


4. Application process

 Expert/s and relevant firms that meet the requirements should submit an expression of interest which include the following: 

1. A cover letter including the suitability of the candidate (individual or a firm) to the required task.

2. A portfolio for the company working on the assignment.

3. A technical offer in response to the call for Expert TOR, showing the Expert/s understanding of the assignment and how this can be taken forward.

4. A financial offer: detailed budget breakdown in EURO and initial work plan for the designated dates of the assignment.

For any information contact Project Manger Dr Omar Arabeyyat arabiat@bau.edu.jo, mobile 0796363600. 

 Prerequisites for accepting Consultants/firms financial offer:

Prices must be in Euros valid for 30 days from the closing date of proposal submission.

Prices must include all expenses related to this assignment.

 The expression of interest package must be submitted to Al-Balqa Applied University in a closed and sealed envelope in Salt or to the Deanship of Scientific Research by email dsr@bau.edu.jo, by indicating this title in the call subject [INTERNISA 3/2021- Communication] no later than 13:00 p.m. on Wednesday 8 December 2021.


 الأحد 21-4-2024  

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