جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية
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 مركز التطوير وضمان الجودة
  Partners Satisfaction Survey - 2nd Semester - Academic Year 2020/2021 - Quality Assurance center Return to the main forms and surveys page
Dear Participant, Al Balqa Applied University (BAU) thanks you for your continuous cooperation. In its bid to improve its services and performance, BAU hopes that you will take a few minutes to answer the following questionnaire which is designed to evaluate BAU's performance from the point of view of our partners. Given the importance of your feedback; we hope that you will answer all the paragraphs in this questionnaire. All information in this questionnaire will be treated with complete confidentiality. Thank you for your kind cooperation. BAU Quality Assurance Team
Survey provider information:
Phone Number:
The sector in which the partner works (educational, economic, developmental and developmental, ..) :
Partnership level:
Partner Type:
Partnership field (research, development, academic exchange, training, ...) :
Liaison Officer from Al-Balqa University:
Dealing period in years:
General impression
1- BAU's Leadership and administrative team skills
2- BAU's provides diversity in its communication and dialogue channels
3- BAU's Response to partner requirements and suggestions
4- BAU's Employees' commitment to excellence
5- BAU is a Fair and transparent partner
6- BAU's electronic communication quality
7- BAU's Website information quality and relevance
8- BAU's cooperation in capacity building, expertise and knowledge transfer and exchange
9- BAU is a Flexible and resilient partner
Coordination and partnership
10- Partnership in reviewing and updating strategies
11- Partnership in plan-making
12- Partnership in policy review and update
13- Partnership in the development of joint operations
14- Partnership in the development of mutual services
15- BAU provides partners with the opportunity to suggest creative ideas
Commitment to the terms and conditions of the partnership and its development
16- BAU's considers parties' mutual interest when drafting agreements
17- BAU's agreement terms and conditions are in accordance with relevant regulations and instructions
18- BAU's show commitment to implementing agreements and conditions
19- BAU agreements provide Return on partners (evaluation)
20- Recommending the continuity and expansion of agreements
21- BAU's commitment to confidentiality of information
Further comments
22- Any further comments (Optional)

إتصل بنا
موقع الجامعة
أخبار البلقاء
جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية - xxxxxx, الأردن
هاتف: 053491111-3501,  فاكس: xxxxxx ,  صندوق البريد: xxxxxx
البريد الإلكتروني : Dqac@bau.edu.jo

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