الإثنين 29-4-2024 الموافق 21 شوال 1445 منصة البلقاء الرقمية منصة البلقاء الرقمية | خريجو البلقاء | دليل الهاتف | English
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المشاريع و المؤتمرات:
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bullet Erasmus+ Projects
Research Intersets
University Courses Taught
Honors and Academics Awards
Conferences and Workshops
Journals Editor/ Reviewer
Dr. Ahmad Bahaa Aldin Malkawi
Associate Professor of Structural and Materials Engineering in the Civil Engineering Department\ Faculty of Engineering Technology
Faculty of Engineering Technology
 Major: Civil Engineering
 Minor: Structural Engineering
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3505-6798
WoS: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/AAV-7618-2021
Scopus Author ID: 55812372900
Scopus Link: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55812372900
Researcher ID: 89774
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=R3oQnUsAAAAJ&hl=en

Associate Professor with 16+ years of combined academic and industry experience in leading universities and civil engineering firms. Possesses a consistent record of exceptional academic achievement and impactful research contributions. Skilled in diverse research techniques and methodologies, encompassing extensive laboratory and field-based investigations. Familiar with the responsibilities and practices of management in academic institutions. Possesses the adeptness to captivate and inspire students towards lifelong learning, fostering an interactive and dynamic learning milieu through the implementation of contemporary teaching methodologies and approaches.

Research Intersets:
Structural engineering, construction materials, non-destructive testing and evaluation, modelling and optimization, and rehabilitation of concrete structures.

# Degree University Specialization Graduation year
1PHDPetronas Technology UniversityCivil Engineering2018
2MASTER DEGREEJordan University of Science and TechnologyCivil Engineering2010
3BACHELOR'S DEGREEMutah universityCivil Engineering2008

Academic Experience:
2023 -Current :Associate Professor,Al-Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2020 -2023 :Assistant Professor,Al-Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2018 -2020 :Full-time Lecturer,Al-Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2014 -2018 :Research and Teacher Assistant,Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,Malaysia.
2011 -2014 :Full-time Lecturer,Najran University,Saudi Arabia.
2010 -2011 :Part-time Lecturer,Jordan University of Science and Technology,Jordan.
2008 -2010 :Teacher Assistant,Jordan University of Science and Technology,Jordan.

Administrative Experience:
2023 -Current :Head of Civil Engineering Department,Al-Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2008 -2010 :Site Engineer,Adwan and Dasuqe Company for Contracting,Jordan.

1- Axial Compression Load Capacity of Tubular Steel Columns with Polygon Cross-Sections ,Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2024,Vol. 12,no. 2.
2- Advancing waste-based construction materials through carbon dioxide curing: A comprehensive review ,Results in Engineering, 2023,Vol. 20,no. 101591.
3- Optimization of Tuff Stones Content in Lightweight Concrete Using Artificial Neural Networks ,Civil Engineering Journal, 2023,Vol. 9,no. 11.
4- Effect of Aggregate on The Performance of Fly- Ash-Based Geopolymer Concrete ,Buildings, 2023,Vol. 13,no. 3.
5- Automated monitoring technologies and construction productivity enhancement: Building projects case ,Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2023,Vol. 0,no. 0.
6- Evaluation and Improvement of Elba-House Road Intersection in Amman-Jordan ,European Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning, 2023,Vol. 2,no. 1.
7- Modelling and Optimization for Mortar Compressive Strength Incorporating Heat-Treated Fly Oil Shale Ash as an Effective Supplementary Cementitious Material Using Response Surface Methodology ,Materials, 2022,Vol. 15,no. 19.
8- Punching Shear Strength Prediction for Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs without Shear Reinforcement ,Civil Engineering Journal, 2022,Vol. 8,no. 1.
9- Utilizing of oil shale ash as a construction material: A systematic review ,Construction and Building Materials, 2021,Vol. 299,no. 1.
10- Productivity monitoring in building construction projects: a systematic review ,Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2021,Vol. 29,no. 7.
11- Shrinkage Behavior of Conventional and Nonconventional Concrete: A Review ,Civil Engineering Journal, 2020,Vol. 6,no. 9.
12- Proposed Approach for Positioning Anchorage System in Concrete ,Archives of Civil Engineering, 2020,Vol. 66,no. 3.
13- Affective Commitment of Construction Engineers: Empirical Evidence from Construction Industry ,International Journal on Emerging Technologies, 2020,Vol. 11,no. 4.
14- Impact of interpolation techniques on the accuracy of large-scale digital elevation model ,Open Geosciences, 2020,Vol. 12,no. 1.
15- Engineering Properties of Fibre Reinforced Lightweight Geopolymer Concrete Using Palm Oil Biowastes ,Australian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2020,Vol. 18,no. 1.
16- Engineering Properties of Lightweight Geopolymer Concrete Using Palm Oil Clinker Aggregate ,International Journal of GEOMATE, 2020,Vol. 18,no. 65.
17- Agricultural Palm Oil Wastes for Development of Structural Lightweight Concrete ,International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), 2019,Vol. 10,no. 7.
18- Dielectric properties for characterization of fly ash-based geopolymer binders ,Construction and Building Materials, 2018,Vol. 189,no. 1.
19- Serviceability behavior of normal and high-strength reinforced concrete t-beams ,European Journal of materials Science and Engineering, 2017,Vol. 2,no. 4.
20- Effect of plasticizers and water on properties of HCFA geopolymers ,Key Engineering Materials, 2017,Vol. 733,no. 1.
21- Utilization of EAFD in concrete composite , Materials Science Forum, 2017,Vol. 894,no. 1.
22- Effect of alkaline solution to fly ash ratio on geopolymer mortar properties ,Key Engineering Materials, 2017,Vol. 733,no. 1.
23- Effects of alkaline solution on the microstructure of HCFA geopolymers ,Engineering Challenges for Sustainable Future-Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil, offshore and Environmental Engineering, ICCOEE, 2016,Vol. 10,no. 1.
24- Evaluation of shear-deficient lightweight RC beams retrofitted with adhesively bonded CFRP sheets ,European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2016,Vol. 20,no. 8.
25- Evolution of geopolymer binders: a review ,IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2016,Vol. 155,no. 1.
26- Geopolymer concrete for structural use: Recent findings and limitations ,IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2016,Vol. 133,no. 1.
27- A Novel Method for Monitoring Hydration Process of Cement Paste ,Key Engineering Materials, 2016,Vol. 2,no. 1.
28- Effects of alkaline solution on properties of the HCFA geopolymer mortars ,Procedia Engineering, 2016,Vol. 148,no. 1.
29- Study of fly ash characterization as a cementitious material ,Procedia Engineering, 2016,Vol. 148,no. 1.

University Courses Taught
1- Bridge Engineering.
2- Prestressed Concrete Design.
3- Structural Analysis (II).
4- Reinforced Concrete Design (I).
5- Reinforced Concrete Design (II).
6- Civil Engineering Drawing.
7- Graduation Project (I & II).
8- Statics.
9- Concrete Technology.
10- Concrete Technology Lab.

Honors and Academics Awards
# Award Name Donor Name Award Year Award Country
1Gold Medal - International invention, innovation, and technology exhibition (ITEX2017)Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation2017Malaysia
2Gold Medal - European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation (EUROINVENT 2016)International Federation of Inventors Associations (IFIA)2016Romania
3Gold Medal with Mention - The world Exhibition on Innovations Research and New TechnologiesPatent and Law Firm YUS2016Spain
4Silver Medal - International invention, innovation, and technology exhibition (ITEX2016)Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation2016Malaysia
5Gold Medal - International invention, innovation, and technology exhibition (ITEX2013)Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation2013Malaysia

Conferences and Workshops
# Conference/Workshop Name Conference/Workshop Place Conference/Workshop Date
1International Conference on Civil, Offshore and Environmental Engineering (ICCOEE 2016)Malaysia2016/08
2International Conference on Innovative Research ICIR EUROINVENT 2016Romania2016/05
3The 12th Arab Structural Engineering Conference (AEC)Libya2013/12
4The 29th Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water and EnergyUnited States of America2013/10
5The 12th North American Forest Soils ConferenceUnited States of America2013/06

Geopolymer Mortar and Method Thereof ,Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO).
Radio-Wave Electromagnetic System for Geopolymer Concrete Testing and a Method Thereof ,Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO).

Journals Editor/ Reviewer
Asian Journal in Civil Engineering.
Construction and Building Materials.

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