الخميس 2-5-2024 الموافق 24 شوال 1445 منصة البلقاء الرقمية منصة البلقاء الرقمية | خريجو البلقاء | دليل الهاتف | English
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المشاريع و المؤتمرات:
bullet مؤتمر جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية الأول في مشاريع البحث العلمي
bullet المؤتمر الدولي الاول - مستقبل الاستدامة لبيئة الاعمال: تجارب عملية
bullet Innovative Agriculture for Food Security
bullet 3rd International Oil Shale Conference
bullet مؤتمر تطور التنمية والخدمات في مئة عام
bullet W A T R A
bullet المؤتمر الدولي في تكنولوجيا معلومات الأعمال والاقتصاد المعرفي
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bullet Med-Quad
bullet International Conference on Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology
bullet Erasmus+ Projects
Research Intersets
University Courses Taught
Conferences and Workshops
Journals Editor/ Reviewer
Community Service
Dr. Ahmad Khalaf Mohammd Alkawaldeh
Assistant Professor of chemistry
 Major: chemistry
 Minor: chemistry
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4348-6613
WoS: IDHHC-7235-2022
Scopus Author ID: 57217584821
Scopus Link: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57217584821
Researcher ID: 2002185
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GfEYkGcAAAAJ&hl=ar

An enthusiastic, adaptive and fast-learning person with a broad and acute interest in the discovery of new innovative research, I particularly enjoy collaborating with scientists from different disciplines to develop new skills and solve new challenges.

Research Intersets:
1) Electrochemistry Catalysis, Synthesis, and characterization Nanoparticle applications.
2) Using XRD, XPS, TGA, ICP, AAS and FTIR for detailed analysis of the organic and the inorganic residues.
3) Development of Analytical Methods in Areas of Pharmaceutical and Environmental Analysis.

# Degree University Specialization Graduation year
1PHDUniversity of Jordanchemistry2018
2MASTER DEGREEUniversity of Jordanchemistry2014
3BACHELOR'S DEGREEThe Hashemite Universitychemistry2009

Academic Experience:
2021 -2022 :Assistant Professor of chemistry,Jerash University,Jordan.

Administrative Experience:

1- Patient-patient interactions visualization for drug side effects in patients? reviews ,Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2024,Vol. 34,no. 3.
2- Photodynamic therapy in cancer treatment: properties and applications in nanoparticles ,Brazilian Journal of Biology, 2024,Vol. 84,no. 4.
3- Enhanced electrochemical efficiency of lithium-ion battery using titanium and rhenium adatoms by the application of square wave potential regime ,Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 2023,Vol. 66,no. 9.
4- A platinum nanostructure electrode with an iodine coating to measure the bio-electrochemical behavior of arctigenin using cyclic voltammetry , ARID International Journal for Science and Technology, 2023,Vol. 6,no. 11.
5- Evaluation safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetic of Eltrombopag in patients with chronic immune thrombocytopenia: Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials ,Research Results in Pharmacology, 2023,Vol. 9,no. 2.
6- Nanomaterials as transmitters of non-viral gene vectors: A review ,Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 2023,Vol. 8,no. 100372.
7- Application of square wave potential regime to electro reduction of co2 in ethanolamine into ethyl carbamate by palladium electrode ,Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 2023,Vol. 16,no. 2.
8- Electrocatalytic activities of a platinum nanostructured electrode modified by gold adatom toward methanol and glycerol electrooxidation in acid and alkaline media ,Journal of Oleo Science, 2023,Vol. 72,no. 3.
9- The Application of Hydroxyapatite NPs for Adsorption Antibiotic from Aqueous Solutions: Kinetic, Thermodynamic, and Isotherm Studies ,Processes, 2023,Vol. 11,no. 3.
10-  Photocatalytic degradation of platinum nanostructure in tantalum electrode ,Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2022,Vol. 13,no. Special Issue 9.
11- Electrochemical Sensors and Determination for silver ion by Cyclic Voltammetry at iodine-coated Platinum nanoparticles electrode ,Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 2021,Vol. 25,no. 6.
12- Platinum nanoparticle electrode electro-chemical lead (II) determination with square-wave voltammetry modified with iodine ,AIP Conference Proceedings, 2021,Vol. 2339,no. 1.
13- Platinum Nanoparticle Electrode Modified Iodine using Cyclic Voltammetry and Chronoamperometry for Determination of Ascorbic Acid ,Analytical and Bioanalytical Electrochemistry, 2020,Vol. 12,no. 6.
14- Preparation of nanostructured/micro platinum surfaces by application of a square wave potential regime for methanol oxidation ,Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2020,Vol. 15,no. 1.
15- computational study of the unimolecular and bimolecular decomposition mechanisms of propylamine ,Scientific Reports, 2020,Vol. 10,no. 1.
16- Electrochemical reduction from carbon dioxide to urea through the application of a polycrystalline palladium electrode potential Square Wave Regime ,Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2020,Vol. 97,no. 11.
17- Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide by Application of a Square Wave Potential Regime at Polycrystalline Palladium Electrodes ,Jordan Journal of Chemistry, 2019,Vol. 14,no. 3.
18- Unimolecular Decomposition Reactions of Propylamine and Protonated Propylamine ,ACS Omega, 2019,Vol. 4,no. 1.
19- Dyes are the Rainbow of our Health ,Chemistry , 0003,Vol. 5,no. 4.

University Courses Taught
1- Analytical Chemistry.
2- Biochemistry.
3- Clinical chemistry.

Conferences and Workshops
# Conference/Workshop Name Conference/Workshop Place Conference/Workshop Date

# Book Name Publisher Name Year
1Basic Rules for Learning Artificial IntelligenceAl-Multaqa Press2023

Journals Editor/ Reviewer
International Journal of Engineering and Artificial Intelligence.

Community Service :
* Lecture on scientific research.
* Lecture on scientific research.
* Chief Executive Officer, Practical Forum 11.

Prof. Dr. Mohammed Hourani-The University of Jordan ,mhourani@ju.edu.jo.
Prof. Dr. Imad Hamadneh-The University of Jordan ,i.hamadneh@ju.edu.jo.
Dr. Abdelmnim Altwaiq-University of Petra ,aaltweiq@uop.edu.jo.

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