الجمعة 3-5-2024 الموافق 25 شوال 1445 منصة البلقاء الرقمية منصة البلقاء الرقمية | خريجو البلقاء | دليل الهاتف | English
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المشاريع و المؤتمرات:
bullet مؤتمر جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية الأول في مشاريع البحث العلمي
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bullet المؤتمر الاردني الافتراضي الاول لسلامة العمليات الكيميائية
bullet Med-Quad
bullet International Conference on Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology
bullet Erasmus+ Projects
Research Intersets
University Courses Taught
Honors and Academics Awards
Conferences and Workshops
Journals Editor/ Reviewer
Journals Editor/ Reviewer
Community Service
Prof. Ahmad Hamad Humidy Al Nuaimi
Prof. Dr. at Al-Balqa Applied University, founder and general director of the Global Humanitarian Pivot for Development and Research, activist in the field of environmental preservation and interested in reducing carbon emissions. Member of the Jordanian Writers Association and the General Union of Arab Writers. Facebook page link: https://web.facebook.com/ahmad.nuaimi.39
Faculty of Engineering Technology
 Major: Arabic language and its literature
 Minor: Literature and criticism
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3718-765X
WoS: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/HYF-2337-2023
Scopus Author ID: e.g. 1111-2222-3333-444x
Scopus Link: https://www.scopus.com/freelookup/form/author.uri?zone=TopNavBar&origin=NO%20ORIGIN%20DEFINED
Researcher ID: 9617
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=UuOaCPQAAAAJ&hl=ar

- Member of the teaching staff at Al-Balqa Applied University since September 1, 2005.
- Member of the Scientific Committee in the College for the academic year 2023-2024 by College Council Resolution No. 2024/2023-9
-Member of the College?s Library and Electronic Library Committee for the academic year 2023-2024 by College Council Resolution No. 2024/2023-15
- He obtained the rank of Professor, Doctor, as of 10/7/2017.
- Representative of the Department of Humanities elected to the College Council during the academic year 2016-2017.
- Represented the humanities department elected to the college council during the academic year 2017-2018.
- Representative of the Department of Humanities for the College Council during the academic year 2021-2022.
- Member of the teaching staff at Taibah University in Madinah, with the rank of associate professor, and supervisor of the Arabic language program for the preparatory year for the academic year 2013/2014.
- Part-time lecturer at the University of Jordan / College of Arts / Department of Arabic Language and Literature for the academic year 2007/2008.
- Member of the Commission for the Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
- He won Jordanian and Arab awards.
- He was honored by academic institutions and Arab countries.

Research Intersets:
Arabic literature and world literature
The novel and the story
Climate and population and their reflection on literature
Social and philosophical issues

# Degree University Specialization Graduation year
1PHDUniversity of JordanArabic language and its literature2005
2MASTER DEGREEYarmouk UniversityArabic language and its literature2003
3BACHELOR'S DEGREEYarmouk UniversityArabic language and its literature1993

Academic Experience:
2017 -Current :Professor Dr,Al Balqa Applied University (BAU),Jordan.
2013 -2014 :Faculty member,Taibah University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,Saudi Arabia.
2012 -2017 :Associate Professor,Al Balqa Applied University (BAU),Jordan.
2007 -2012 :Assistant Professor,Al Balqa Applied University (BAU),Jordan.
2005 -2007 :Full-time lecturer,Al Balqa Applied University (BAU),Jordan.

Administrative Experience:

1- The bird's eye technique in the forward-looking vision of Imam Al-Maghily ,Alather, 2023,Vol. 20,no. 2.
2- Climate and Population in Models of Arabic Literature ,New Humanitarian Knowledge Research, 2023,Vol. 1,no. 1.
3-  Skepticism in the literature between Taha Hussein and Ibn Sallam AL-Jumahi ,Alather, 2020,Vol. 33,no. 1.
4-  Stream of consciousness in a short story in Jordan Stories Insaf Qalaji as a model ,?slami ?limler Dergisi, 2018,Vol. 13,no. 1.
5- The Homeland and Nationalism in Jordanian Fiction: Vision and Implementation ,Language and literature, 2016,Vol. 28,no. 1.
6- Authorship Methodology, Rational Thinking and Modernity in Abu Alqasem Al-Zajajees Book "Aleedah Fi Elal Alnahu" Clarifications in Syntax Justifications ,International Journal of English Linguistics, 2014,Vol. 5,no. 1.
7- Ibn Zamrak al-Andalusi: Between the Muwashah and the Poet." ,Almaorouth, 2014,Vol. 4,no. 1.
8- The Symbol and Its Manifestations in Arab Poetry: A Mural of Mahmoud Darwish ,Alsawtiat, 2014,Vol. 15,no. 1.
9- Actions and their role in shaping and interpreting the events in William Shakespeare's play 'Hamlet' between the original text and the Arabic-translated text ,Maqalid, 2013,Vol. 5,no. 1.
10- Algeria and Its Liberation Revolution in Examples from Jordanian Narrative Blogging ,Almaorouth, 2013,Vol. 2,no. 1.
11- Arabs and the Da Vinci Code: Vision and Opinions ,English Language and Literature Studies (ELLS), 2013,Vol. 3,no. 2.
12-  Live Examples of the Categorization Dilemma in Jordanian Short Stories ,Albahith, 2013,Vol. 12,no. 1.
13- Social Themes in the Binary of the Sea and the Desert in the Novel by Ibrahim Al-Koni ,Jordan Journal of Social Sciences (JJSS), 2013,Vol. 6,no. 1.
14- Toward a critical theory of children's literature: vision and application ,maqalid, 2012,Vol. 3,no. 1.
15- The image of the city of Jaffa in examples of Arabic literature from 1967 to 1990 ,Damascus University Journal of Arts and Human Sciences, 2012,Vol. 28,no. 3+4.
16- Transformations of Arabic poetry from the era of the Ottoman Sultanate to the beginning of the third millennium AD ,Albahith, 2012,Vol. 10,no. 1.
17- Manifestations of Irony in the Maqamat of Badi al-Zaman al-Hamdhani ,Alsawtiat, 2012,Vol. 12,no. 1.
18-  The irony in "The Book of the Tiger and the Fox" by Sahl ibn Harun ,Islamic studies, 2012,Vol. 47,no. 1.
19- The image of the city of Jaffa in examples of Arabic poetry from 1948 to 1967 ,Alsawtiat, 2011,Vol. 11,no. 1.
20- The Irony in the Odes of Ibrahim Tuqan: A Textual Study ,Albahith, 2011,Vol. 7,no. 1.
21- The image of the hero in the Maqamat of Bayram al-Tunisi ,Annals of Bashar University, 2011,Vol. 5,no. 1.

University Courses Taught
1- Arabic language 99.
2- Arabic language 1.
3- Arabic language 2.
4- Applied Arabic language.

Honors and Academics Awards
# Award Name Donor Name Award Year Award Country
1Jerusalem Short Story Award second session 2010The Palestinian Social Committee in Abu Dhabi2010United Arab Emirates
2Short story writing and publishing competition awardThe Supreme National Committee to declare Amman the Capital of Arab Culture for the year 20022002Jordan
3Queen Noor Award for Childrens Literature for the year 1997 in the field of educational literatureNour Al Hussein Foundation1997Jordan

Conferences and Workshops
# Conference/Workshop Name Conference/Workshop Place Conference/Workshop Date
1Popular poetry and its role in resistance and preserving national memoryAlgeria2023/11
2The Second Arab Forum for KindergartensAlgeria2019/12
3The first Arab forum for kindergartensAlgeria2018/12
4First International Conference on School Dropout Prevention and TreatmentJordan2018/08
5The culture of the Arab child between reality and challengesOman2017/11
6The 3rd International Conference on the History of Arabic LiteratureUkraine2017/05
7Orient in Literature Literature of the Orient Borders and BorderlandsPoland2017/03
8International Cultural Festival of Books, Literature and PoetryAlgeria2016/08
9The Third International Forum on Friends of the Algerian Liberation Revolution from 1954 to 1962Algeria2014/11
10International Forum for Children and BooksAlgeria2012/04
11The First Amman Forum for the Arabic Short StoryJordan2009/08
12The First Arab Narrative Conference Ghalib Halasa sessionJordan2008/11
13The first general conference of the International Council for the Arabic LanguageLebanon2006/02

# Book Name Publisher Name Year
1Humanism horizons in literature and thoughtAl Yazouri Scientific Publishing and Distribution House and the Greater Amman Municipality2008
2The sea and the mirror readings in stories and novelsArab Foundation for Studies and Publishing2002
3The rhythm of time in the contemporary Arabic novelArab Foundation for Studies and Publishing2004
4Eight clouds for a rainy manArab Foundation for Studies and Publishing2002
5The horse of timeJordanian Ministry of Culture2005
6Another stepAzmena for publishing and distribution1996
7Salma ClinicMinistry of Culture2009
8A hand in the voidAzmena for publishing and distribution2000
9Five swords inhabit my bodyDar Fadaat for Publishing and Distribution2010
10Applied Arabic languageBalqa Applied University2023
11(Co-authored) Proceedings of the Algeria International Forum on Imam Al-Mughili, Part ThreeNational Foundation for Printing Arts in Algeria2023

Journals Editor/ Reviewer
New Humanitarian Knowledge Research.

Other Contributions:
*Contributing to the formation of a committee of academics to attend and support the entrepreneurship and leadership program held at Taibah University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
*I contributed with a group of academics to invent the idea of My Skill, Your Skill, so that students cooperate in transferring their skills to each other, which contributes to their cognitive and scientific wealth..
*In cooperation with a group of academics, we contributed to the attendance and success of a program on modern trends in evaluation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
*In cooperation with a group of academics, we contributed to strengthening students? ability to use modern methods of writing reports through a program prepared for this purpose..

Community Service :
Scientific Committee Member at the ALESCO Chair for Childhood Services..
Contributing to addressing the problems of school dropout in Jordan.
Contributing to preserving the Childs right to social and cultural life.
Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the First Amman Short Story Forum.

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al Rababaa-Al Balqa Applied University ,ahmedr77@bau.edu.jo.
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Khalif Al-Afif-Al Balqa Applied University ,ahmad.afef@bau.edu.jo.
Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahman Al Fawaz-Al Balqa Applied University ,dr_fawwaz77@bau.edu.jo.
Prof. Dr. Eid Jalouli-Kasdi Merbah University ,djellouli47@gmail.com.

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