الأربعاء 8-5-2024 الموافق 1 ذو القعدة 1445 منصة البلقاء الرقمية منصة البلقاء الرقمية | خريجو البلقاء | دليل الهاتف | English
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Research Intersets
Conferences and Workshops
Dr. Abdallah Hussein El-Saleh El-Omari
 Major: education
 Minor: Methods of teaching english
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1226-6020
WoS: https://apps.clarivate.com/account?app=censub&redirect_uri=https:%2F%2Fmjl.clarivate.com&provider=google&tab=account
Scopus Author ID: 37107612800
Scopus Link: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=37107612800
Researcher ID: 8369
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2913jgYAAAAJ&hl=ar

being a university instructor is a big and tremendous opportunity to be a privileged person in society. Majoring in English is the first step to excel in life. I obtained the first university Degree in Lebanon where I stayed for four years. This qualified me to be a teacher of English and opened the horizon wide for me for more knowledge and research as well as social and cultural life. I began teaching English in Libya where I had quite a good knowledge of North African Arab countries for two years. Returning to Jordan I continued my career as a teacher of English and translator and public relations manager. The same happened when I went to Saudi Arabia for five Years. This enthused me to enroll in the Masters degree program at the Yarmouk University. Ten years later I took the risk to quit my job as a school teacher and go as far as Malaysia for the PhD Degree in Methods of Teaching English which enabled me later to be what I am now. Alhamdulillah.

Research Intersets:
methods of teaching English as foreign or second language(TFL/TSL), and strategies of learning languages, plus translation.

# Degree University Specialization Graduation year
1PHDThe National University of Malaysiamethods of teaching2002
2MASTER DEGREEYarmouk UniversityTranslation1991
3BACHELOR'S DEGREEBeirut Arab UniversityEnglish language and literature1976

1- Impediments of Using E Learning Platforms for Teaching English: A Case Study in Jordan ,International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning , 2023,Vol. 18,no. 5.
2- Lexical Meaning Translation of the Root Word in the Holy Quran the Word ?KATABA? an Example ,World Journal of Educational Research, 2020,Vol. 7,no. 4.
3- Factor Analysis: Exploratory and Confirmatory of Developed Scale of Vocational Counseling Needs for Undergraduate Students ,Journal of Educational and Research, 2020,Vol. 8,no. 1.
4-  Problems of Learning Arabic by Non Arabic Speaking Children: Diagnosis and Treatment ,Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2018,Vol. 9,no. 5.
5-  Images and Illustrations to Build the Meaning in Arabic Dictionaries ,Open Science Journal (OSJ), 2018,Vol. 3,no. 2.
6-  The Effect of Blended Learning Based Training Program on Developing Creative Thinking among Talented Students at King Abdullah II Schools for Distinction ,Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2016,Vol. 6,no. 3.
7- Factors Affecting Students' Achievement in English Language Learning ,Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2016,Vol. 6,no. 2.
8- Problems of Gifted Students at King Abdullah II Schools for Distinction: Students Perspective, Journal of Education and Practice , Journal of Education and Practice International, 2016,Vol. 4,no. 2.
9- Jordanian Teachers Use of Tapes and Tape Recorders in English Lessons of the Low Primary Stage. ,European Scientific Journal , 2014,Vol. 1 special edition,no. 1.
10- Meta Cognitive Thinking Skills of Arabic Teachers and their Basic Stage Students in Jordan Evaluation Study ,Journal of Education and Practice, 2013,Vol. 4,no. 14.

Conferences and Workshops
# Conference/Workshop Name Conference/Workshop Place Conference/Workshop Date
11st Mediterranean Interdisciplinary Forum on Social Sciences and Humanities MIFSLebanon2014/04

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