الخميس 16-5-2024 الموافق 9 ذو القعدة 1445 منصة البلقاء الرقمية منصة البلقاء الرقمية | خريجو البلقاء | دليل الهاتف | English
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bullet دليل الطالب
bullet التقويم الجامعي 2021 _ 2022
bullet التقويم الجامعي 2022 _ 2023
bullet نظام التسجيل الإلكتروني
bullet دراسة نسب التشغيل لخريجي جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية
bullet عرض تقديمي عن دراسة نسب التشغيل لخريجي جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية
المشاريع و المؤتمرات:
bullet مؤتمر جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية الأول في مشاريع البحث العلمي
bullet المؤتمر الدولي الاول - مستقبل الاستدامة لبيئة الاعمال: تجارب عملية
bullet Innovative Agriculture for Food Security
bullet 3rd International Oil Shale Conference
bullet مؤتمر تطور التنمية والخدمات في مئة عام
bullet W A T R A
bullet المؤتمر الدولي في تكنولوجيا معلومات الأعمال والاقتصاد المعرفي
bullet مؤتمر الاقتصاد الاسلامي الثاني
bullet المؤتمر الدولي الاول للتعليم التقني
bullet Erasmus+ Projects
bullet المؤتمر الدولي في الريادة, الإبداع والابتكار في بيئة الأعمال
bullet Vocational Training Center
bullet المؤتمر الاردني الافتراضي الاول لسلامة العمليات الكيميائية
bullet Med-Quad
bullet International Conference on Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology
bullet Erasmus+ Projects
Research Intersets
University Courses Taught
Conferences and Workshops
Journals Editor/ Reviewer
Community Service
Dr. Khaldoun Kanaan
Undertaking teaching, research and administrative duties within a Tourism and Hotel Management
 Major: Tourism and Hospitality Management
 Minor: Tourism and Hospitality Management
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2253-333X
WoS: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/HHS-2557-2022
Scopus Author ID: 57206674562
Scopus Link: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57206674562
Researcher ID: 89137
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-WtAvcQAAAAJ&hl=ar

As a highly motivated and competitive economic results-oriented expert in the tourism and hotel sector, I have a proven track record in providing exemplary levels of tourism services to a wide range of guests and various hospitality establishments for hotels, tourism and travel agencies, restaurants and conferences, including VIPs and prominent individuals. In addition to market research, which includes market demand analysis research, economic feasibility study, regional development projects, specialized consultations for stakeholders, small and micro development projects, cost-benefit analysis, customer relationship management, information management, and others. including VIPs and high-profile individuals

Research Intersets:
Hotel and Tourism Revenue Management
Marketing of Hotel and Tourism services
Hotel and Tourism Education
Tourism Destinations and Development
International Hospitality Management

# Degree University Specialization Graduation year
1PHDGirne American UniversityTourism and Hospitality Management2017
2MASTER DEGREECardiff Metropolitan UniversityInternational Hospitality Management2014
3HIGH DIPLOMALondon Business SchoolInternational Hospitality Management2013
4BACHELOR'S DEGREEYarmouk UniversityModern Languages1997

Academic Experience:
2018 -Current :Assist. Prof. Dr. at the department of Hotels & Tourism Sciences,Al-Balqa Applied University, Aqaba University College,Jordan.

Administrative Experience:
2020 -2022 :Department of Hotels & Tourism Sciences. Last 2 years, Head of the Dept,Al-Balqa Applied University, Aqaba University College,Jordan.
2019 -2020 :On air voicing, sourcing interviews, voice live Universities Affairs and cultural episodes,VOICE OF AQABA RADIO,Jordan.
1999 -Current :French and English speaking guide,The entire Jordanian archeological sites,Jordan.

1- Interactive eWOM, consumer engagement, loyalty, eWOM sharing, and purchase behaviour nexus: an integrated framework for tourism and hospitality industry ,International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 2023,Vol. 12,no. 3.
2- How digital marketing and innovative performance contribute to hotel restaurant revenue growth: The mediating role of knowledge sharing ,Cogent Social Sciences, 2023,Vol. 9,no. 1.
4- Promoting border areas for developmental ecotourism: A case study of Al-Adaseya, Jordan ,African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 2019,Vol. 3,no. 8.
5- Marketing The Non-Profit Organizations,"The Jordan Museum as a case study" ,Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Sports, 2019,Vol. 40,no. 1.
6- Positioning film tourism at the top of mental awareness some explanatory insights from the Jordanian case ,African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 2019,Vol. 8,no. 1.
7- Balanced Performance Evaluation in the Light of the Digital Hotels Era ,JOURNAL OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT, 2018,Vol. 6,no. 1.

University Courses Taught
1- Strategic Management in Hotels.
2- Special Topics in Tourism.
3- Hotels Purchasing and Storage Management.
4- Hotel and Tourism Accounting.
5- Hospitality Management in English.
6- French Language in Tourism and Hospitality.
7- Hotel and Tourism Marketing Principles.
8- Travel Agencies Management.
9- Etiquette, protocol and customers service.
10- Principles of Tourism.

Conferences and Workshops
# Conference/Workshop Name Conference/Workshop Place Conference/Workshop Date
1Innovative Agriculture for Food Security (IAFS) 2023 conferenceJordan2023/09
23rd International Conference of Tourism Management & Heritage ConservationJordan2023/05
3Hospitality and Tourism conference in changeable worldJordan2022/03
4Mapping the Jordanian Heritage TourismJordan2022/01
5Workshop reforming tourism curricula to market requirements USAIDJordan2019/03
6Tour guides: occupational standards and professionalism, Yarmouk University, JordanJordan2018/11
7Workshop - Podcast in Teaching and Education - Aqaba University CollegeJordan2018/11
8Tour guide course - AmmonJordan2000/03

Journals Editor/ Reviewer
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (IJCHM).
Frontiers in Psychology.

Community Service :
* Member of the Entrepreneurship Team in Aqaba.
On air voicing, sourcing interviews, voice live Universities Affairs and cultural episodes.: On Air Radio Producer and Presenter.
An initiative to check before publishing to counter the spread of misleading information through social media platforms and electronic news websites, in its first effort to combat the phenomenon of the rapid spread of false and inflammatory messages that have resulted in social problems..
* Awareness tourism programme.
* Honoring the Director of Public Security.
* Member of the Tourism Orientation and Statistics Committee.

Prof. Dr. farouq_alazam-BAU ,farouq_alazam@bau.edu.jo.

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