الإثنين 29-4-2024 الموافق 21 شوال 1445 منصة البلقاء الرقمية منصة البلقاء الرقمية | خريجو البلقاء | دليل الهاتف | English
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Research Intersets
University Courses Taught
Community Service
Dr. Mohammad Nayef Mohammad Ayasrah
I have been working at Al-Balqa Applied University since 2008 until now at Irbid University College majoring in Special Education. I have taught all special education courses for the diploma and baccalaureate levels. I have many researches published in specialized, refereed and international journals, most of which are in English. I work in research teams and are active in volunteer work. and community service, and I discussed university theses in the field of special education,
 Major: Special Education
 Minor: Special Education
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5247-2526 View this author?s ORCID profile
WoS: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/GRX-6716-2022
Scopus Author ID: 57218000096
Scopus Link: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57218000096
Researcher ID: 12960
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=6QWsh6gAAAAJ&hl=en

I prefer working in a team, I love volunteer work, I adore my specialty and a good follower of developments in it, I always call for the application of standards of integrity, transparency, work values ??and job commitment, hardworking and sincere in my work at the teaching level, scientific research and community service, I bear the pressures I face, a good public speaker I love confrontation and disclosure in all matters. I studied in five Jordanian universities. I am familiar with and respectful of the culture of others. I am committed to the code of conduct at work. I have many scientific researches in the field of special education, and some books. I love my profession. Teaching and I prefer teaching with pleasure, using a variety of methods and strategies in teaching, and I present them in an interesting and interesting way for students.

Research Intersets:
Different teaching strategies and methods (blended education, flipped classroom, free association, integrated learning, e-learning...), integrated learning, education, integrated values ??in books, education and training, social skills, thinking and its strategies, verbal and non-verbal communication skills, evaluation Academic programs and introduction to people with special needs, psychological, behavioral and educational problems for children, academic stress interventions, integration for people with special needs, uses of technology in education, initiation, integrity, work values ??and career following.

# Degree University Specialization Graduation year
1PHDThe World Islamic Sciences and Education UniversitySpecial Education2012
2MASTER DEGREEAl-Balqa Applied UniversityTalent and creativity2007
3HIGH DIPLOMAAmman Arab UniversityHigher Diploma in Education2006
4BACHELOR'S DEGREEThe Hashemite UniversityClass teacher specialty2005
5BACHELOR'S DEGREEYarmouk UniversityJurisprudence and Islamic studies1999

Academic Experience:
2008 -Current :Faculty member,Al-Balqa Applied University / Irbid University College,Jordan.

Administrative Experience:
2019 -2019 :Head of the Department of Educational Sciences for the second and summer semester 2019,Al-Balqa Applied University / Irbid University College,Jordan.
2017 -2018 :Assistant Dean of Irbid University College for local community service,Al-Balqa Applied University / Irbid University College,Jordan.
2013 -Current :Member of all department committees,Al-Balqa Applied University / Irbid University College,Jordan.

2- An examination of teacher collaboration in professional learning communities and collaborative teaching practices ,Journal of Education and e-Learning Research, 2023,Vol. 10,no. 3.
3- A Proposed Model for Developing Creative Leadership Practices for Managers of Inclusive Educational Institutions in Jordan ,Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 2023,Vol. 23,no. 4.
4- A Conceptual Approach in Designing Interactive Multimedia Application for Children With ASD ,Information Sciences Letters A, 2023,Vol. 12,no. 2.
5- Jordanian School Principals' Perception towards Inclusion Barriers for Students with Disabilities in the Light of Ten-Year (2019-2029) Inclusion Strategy. ,International Journal of Education and Practice, 2023,Vol. 11,no. 2.
6- Quality Evaluation of Special Education Teacher Preparation Programs at the Northern Governorates Universities in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, in Light of CAEP Standards. ,Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 2023,Vol. 23,no. 3.
7- Peer Social Acceptance of Students with Special Needs ,Information Sciences Letters, 2023,Vol. 12,no. 1.
8- Behavioral Consequences Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders at the Special Care Centers ,Clinical Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses, 2022,Vol. 16s,no. 2.
9- Assessing the quality of health care services for young children with autism disorder in Jordan A SERVQUAL approach ,ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2022,Vol. 23,no. 8.
10- The Effect of Psychoeducational Stress Management Interventions on Students Stress Reduction: Systematic Review ,Journal of Educational Cultural and Psychological Studies , 2022,Vol. ,no. .
11- Educational implications of distance learning within the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) from the point of view of university students ,World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 2022,Vol. 14,no. 3.
12- The Utilization Level of Computer Techniques by Teachers of Special Education Centers to Give Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders the Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Skills ,nternational Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 2022,Vol. 14,no. 1.
13- Favorite Methods of Teaching and Evaluation among Students in University Colleges ,International Journal of Education and Practice, 2020,Vol. 8,no. 2.

University Courses Taught
1- Creativity and excellence, Introduction to autism disorders, psychological and behavioral problems in children, autism treatment, introduction to special education, preparing and constructing tests and measures, comprehensive developmental disabilities (2018).
2- Educational Psychology, Introduction to Special Education, Introduction to Autistic Disorders, Developmental Psychology, Classroom Behavior Modification, Introduction to Special Education, Field Training/Measurement and Diagnosis, Comprehensive Developmental Disabilities, Autistic Traits, Creativity and Excellence (2019).
3- Introduction to special education, comprehensive developmental disabilities, introduction to autism disorders, field training for the Diploma in Measurement and Diagnosis, Autism Treatment, Traits of Autistic Disorders, Traits of Autism (2022).

The level of special education center teachers? use of computer technologies to acquire verbal and non-verbal communication skills for students with disabilities in Jordan ,Al-Balqa Applied University / Deanship of Scientific Research and Innovation,2020/01-2021/09.
The degree of commitment of faculty members in Jordanian universities to the values ??of integrity from the perspective of students ,Al-Balqa Applied University / Deanship of Scientific Research and Innovation,2019/02-2019/11.
3 Evaluating the quality of special education teacher preparation programs in the universities of the northern governorates of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in light of the standards of the Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (CA ,Al-Balqa Applied University / Deanship of Scientific Research and Innovation,2021/07-2022/08.

# Book Name Publisher Name Year
1Conceptual maps in grammatical, morphological, and orthographic rulesAl-Hamid House and Library - Amman2010

Community Service :
* Participation in the training workshop on assessing academic learning difficulties at the Tanafus Model School.
* Providing continuous support to Al-Qasilah Secondary School to improve the school?s educational environment during the year 2019. I was honored with a shield from the school principal..
* A founding member of the Irada Party, participating in awareness lectures for youth party participation and holding several polarizing meetings..
* A free workshop for mothers of autistic children at Tala International Academy on 6/18/2018..
* Providing a free workshop on learning difficulties at Tala State Academy on 11/16/2021.
* Participation in the success of the activities of the International Conference for People with Disabilities under the patronage of Her Excellency the Jordanian Minister of Culture / North Jordan Multicultural Association in the period from 8/5/2022 to 8/11/2022.
* Participating in the first environmental conference for Irbid Governorate, which was held by the Jordanian Democratic Nature Party, and formulating the conference?s recommendations. And I was honored with a shield from the party in 2018.
* I was the director of the Third Sakib International Festival of Poetry and Literature 2019, in which a large number of poets in Arab countries participated..

Prof. Dr. Omar Mahasneh-Balqa Applied University ,omar_mahasne@bau.edu.jo.
Prof. Dr. Omar Jaradat-Al Hosn University College / Al Balqa Applied University ,omjar2@bau.edu.jo.
Dr. محمد احمد البعيرات-Al-Hussein Bin Talal University ,beirat@ahu.edu.jo.

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