الأحد 28-4-2024 الموافق 20 شوال 1445 منصة البلقاء الرقمية منصة البلقاء الرقمية | خريجو البلقاء | دليل الهاتف | English
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Research Intersets
University Courses Taught
Master and Phd thesis contributions
Honors and Academics Awards
Conferences and Workshops
Journals Editor/ Reviewer
Community Service
Dr. Noor Mohammad Mahmood Al-Kharabsheh
Assistant Professor in Hydrogeology and Environment
 Major: Water and Environment Engineering
 Minor: Groundwater Hydrogeology
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6550-9068
WoS: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/HSD-9200-2023
Scopus Author ID: 57208672604
Scopus Link:
Researcher ID: 12390
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=FKgoEH4AAAAJ

PhD Education and employment:
Dr. Eng. Noor Al Kharabsheh holds a PhD degree in Water and Environment Engineering from RWTH Aachen University in Germany (August 2015). She also holds Certificate of Doctorate Supplement from the same university. Since January 2016, she works as assistant professor in Al Balqa Applied University (BAU), Department of Water Resources and Environmental Management (WREM). Also she worked as a director of the International Research Center for Water, Environment and Energy (IRCWEE) at BAU during the period (October 2016 till October 2019). She also worked as the Head of the Department of WREM at BAU during the period (September 2019 till November 2019). Additionally, she was appointed as the Person in charge of the UI GreenMetrics World University Ranking in BAU for the years: 2017, 2018 & 2019.
Specialization, and Handled Courses:
The major specialization of Dr. Al Kharabsheh is Water and Environment Engineering with focus (minor) in Hydrogeology and Environment. The handled courses: Hydrochemistry and Water Quality and Laboratory, Integrated Water Resources Management, Surface Water Hydrology, Groundwater Hydrology, Wastewater Treatment and Reuse and Laboratory, Principles of Environmental Science, Environmental Impact Assessment, Geographical Information System, Environment and Society, Seminar in WREM, Principles of Soil and Irrigation and Laboratory, Water Resources, Groundwater Hydraulics, Design of Hydraulic Structures, Environmental Impact Assessment (advanced), and Graduate Project. Moreover, many theses were supervised.
Professional experience:
Dr. Al Kharabsheh has significant experience in managing projects affairs in water and environment disciplines. From these projects were supervised: ?Integrated Water Resource Management in the Lower Jordan Rift Valley: SMART Move Management of Highly Variable Water Resource in Semi Arid Regions?, ?Monitoring the Ambient Air in Rashadiya?, ?Sustainability and Tourism in the Mediterranean?, ?Small Scale Solar Units for Mediterranean Communities?, and ?Coastal Environmental and Socioeconomic Monitoring at Aqaba, Jordan?.
Additionally, she worked as team leader of ?Environmental Impact Assessment study of Irbid Development Area? during the period (August 2018 till January 2019). Duties including: administrative and financial coordination and reporting. She also worked as Non Key Expert in the project ?Technical Assistance for the Skills for Employment and Social Inclusion (SESIP)? during the period (June 2020 till January 2021). Duties including: implementing data mining, processing, analysis and preparation of training material. Nowadays, Dr. Al Kharabsheh is a principal investigator of the project ?Environmental Risk Assessment of Humra Landfill on Groundwater Quality Based on Modeling and Pollution Indices? it started in August 2021 till August 2023. Duties including: All administrative and financial coordination, preparing for purchasing instruments, analysing, reporting, and publishing.
Person in Charge of UI GreenMetric World Ranking Universities in Al Balqa Applied University for years 2016, 2017, and 2018 in addition to preparing for 2019. Tasks including: Data mining and analyzing, filling out the ranking questionnaire, thereafter submitting documents on the ranking platform. She achieved advanced position in the ranking for BAU for the years 2016, 2017, 2018.
Publications and Conferences:
Dr. Al Kharabsheh has 11 published works focus on hydrogeology, water resources, wastewater treatment, and environment and were published in high ranked journals and has impact factor. Moreover, she has participated in 3 scientific conferences with proceeding books.
University and community work:
.Dr. Al Kharabsheh is a member of internal committees and councils in BAU in addition to external committees as representative of BAU
Furthermore she is an effective contributor in community work

Research Intersets:
Hydrogeology, Groundwater vulnerability modelling, Geographic Information System (GIS), Hydrochemistry and water protection and quality, Wastewater treatment and reuse, Contaminant mass transport, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

# Degree University Specialization Graduation year
1PHDRWTH Aachen UniversityWater and Environment Engineering2015
2MASTER DEGREEAl-Balqa Applied UniversityWater Resources and Environmental Management2009
3BACHELOR'S DEGREEAl-Balqa Applied UniversityWater Resources and Environmental Management2006

Academic Experience:
2022 -2022 :Selected representative of Balqa Applied University in Regional Training titled Awareness Raising and Education for Sustainable Development with focus on Waste Water Treatment (WWT) for reuse and Non-Conventional Water Resources under the umbrella of the project Water and Environment Support (WES),Ministry of Environment and European Union,Jordan.
2020 -2020 :Trainee in Training titled Developing training competencies for trainers in vocational training workshops (Certificate is available),Regional Center for Space Science and Technology Education for Western Asia - Jordan,Jordan.
2020 -2021 :Member of the Scientific Research Committee - Faculty of Agricultural Technology - Balqa Applied University (2 times repeatedly),Faculty of Agricultural Technology - Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2020 -2020 :Trainee in Training titled Network Analysis Using Geographic Information System (Certificate is available),Regional Center for Space Science and Technology Education for Western Asia - Jordan,Jordan.
2020 -2021 :Trainee in Training programme Strengthening skills development for wastewater Treatment and Reuse in Agriculture in a recently established higher TVET programme in Jordan (WATRA) (Certificate is available),IHE Delft Institute in Netherlands and Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2019 -2020 :Member of the Programs Curricula Committee - Faculty of Agricultural Technology - Al-Balqa Applied University,Faculty of Agricultural Technology - Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2019 -2020 :Member of the Quality and Scientific Research Committee - Faculty of Medicine - Balqa Applied University,Faculty of Medicine - Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2018 -2018 :Certificate is available) Trainee in Training Programme within the project titled Grey Water and Water Harvesting, Strengthening resilience of communities hosting refugees through sustainable solutions),International Research Center for Water Environment and Energy and UNDP,Jordan.
2018 -2018 :Trainee in Training of Trainers for new lecturers, Certificate is available,Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2016 -Current :Coordinator for more than one hundred of study visits and field visits for students and sampling used in teaching processes,Department of Water Resources and Environmental Management - Faculty of Agricultural Technology - Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2016 -Current :Assistant Professor in the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Management - Faculty pf Agricultural Technology - Balqa Applied University,Department of Water Resources and Environmental Management - Faculty of Agricultural Technology - Balqa Applied University,Jordan.

Administrative Experience:
2022 -Current :Council member of the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Management - Faculty of Agricultural Technology - Balqa Applied University (7 times consequently),Department of Water Resources and Environmental Management - Faculty of Agricultural Technology - Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2022 -Current :Member of the Students Disciplinary Committee - Faculty of Agricultural Technology - Balqa Applied University (2 times repeatedly),Faculty of Agricultural Technology - Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2022 -Current :Council elected member of Al-Balqa Applied University (3 times repeatedly),Faculty of Agricultural Technology - Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2021 -2022 :Council member of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology - Balqa Applied University (3 times repeatedly),Department of Water Resources and Environmental Management - Faculty of Agricultural Technology - Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2020 -2021 :Non-Key Expert in the EU funded project titled Technical Assistance for the Skills for Employment and Social Inclusion (SESIP), duties including implementing data mining, processing, analysis and production of structured information needed for the assignment results, collect data and documentation, preparation of training and instructional material (Handbook, guide), field visits, and collect data and liaise with the SESIP Communication and Visibility through the web sites and communication channels,European Union Bureau in Amman - Jordan,Jordan.
2020 -2021 :Member of the Activities Committee - Faculty of Agricultural Technology - Balqa Applied University,Faculty of Agricultural Technology - Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2019 -2019 :Head of the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Management - Faculty of Agricultural Technology,Department of Water Resources and Environmental Management - Faculty of Agricultural Technology - Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2019 -Current :Selected as Focal point as expert from Al-Balqa Applied University with the Ministry of Environment,Ministry of Environment and Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2018 -2018 :Trainee in Training of Trainers of Developing training competencies for trainers in vocational training workshops,GIZ,Jordan.
2017 -Current :Member of Jordanian Engineers Association - Division of Water, Environment and Sanitation,Jordanian Engineers Association,Jordan.
2017 -2018 :Member of the Students Disciplinary Committee in Al-Balqa Applied University,Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2017 -2019 :Selected representative of Balqa Applied University in EU Funded Project Technical Assistance to the Skills for Employment and Social Inclusion Programme, Component 4, it entailed study visit to Slovakia and Austria,European Union,Jordan.
2016 -2019 :Director of the International Research Center for Water, Environment and Energy (IRCWEE),International Research Center for Water, Environment, and Energy - Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2016 -2019 :Member of the Committee to re-study the centers instructions - IRCWEE - Balqa Applied University,International Research Center for Water, Environment, and Energy (IRCWEE) - Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2016 -2019 :Administrative and financial coordinator as director of IRCWEE for many local and international projects that are endemic in IRCWEE Projects in the fields of water management, environmental impact assessment and energy, including the Smart Move project, the tourism and sustainability project, the cement air dust control project, and the solar energy project on small scales in Mediterranean countries, these projects were funded by international parts such as UNDP, EU, UFZ Germany and Lafarge company.,International Research Center for Water, Environment , and Energy - Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2016 -2019 :Person in charge of the UI GreenMetrics World University Ranking for the years: 2017, 2018 & 2019 in Al-Balqa Applied University,International Research Center for Water, Environment, and Energy (IRCWEE) - Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2015 -Current :Member of the Alumni of the German Universities and Institutes, Amman - Jordan,Balqa Applied University,Jordan.

1- Assessment of water resources in Yarmouk River Basin using geospatial technique during the period 1980?2020 ,Journal of Arid Land, 2022,Vol. 14,no. 2.
2- Wastewater treatment and reuse in Jordan, 10 years of development ,Desalination and Water Treatment, 2021,Vol. 238,no. 2021.
3- Dry Biosolids Reuse as Costless Biodegradable Adsorbent for Cadmium Removal from Water Systems ,Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2021,Vol. 22,no. 5.
4- Source identification of nitrate in the upper aquifer system of the Wadi Shueib catchment area in Jordan based on stable isotope composition ,Journal of Arid Land, 2021,Vol. 13,no. 4.
5- Groundwater vulnerability assessment using modified SINTACS model in Wadi Shueib, Jordan ,Annals of GIS, 2020,Vol. 26,no. 4.
6- Natural volcanic tuff as a soil mulching: effect on plant growth and soil chemistry under water stress ,Applied Water Science, 2019,Vol. 9,no. 123.
7- Efficacy of Activated Sludge Method in the Treatment of Combined Municipal and Industrial Wastewater: A Case Study in Jordan ,Water Scarcity: Risks and Solutions, Water Perspectives in Emerging Countries , 2018,Vol. 0,no. 0.

University Courses Taught
1- Geographic Information System (BSc).
2- Wastewater Treatment and Reuse + Laboratory (BSc).
3- Hydrochemistry and Water Quality + Laboratory (BSc).
4- Integrated Water Resources Management (BSc).
5- Surface Water Hydrology (BSc).
6- Groundwater Hydrology (BSc).
7- Environmental Impact Assessment (Advanced Level) (MSc).
8- Design of Hydraulic Structures (MSc).
9- Groundwater Hydraulics (MSc).
10- Water Resources (MSc).

Master and Phd thesis contributions
Thesis Supervision
Experimental Assessment of groundwater Recharge by Treated Municipal Wastewater at Pilot Scale ,Al-Balqa Applied University,Master Thesis,2023.
Evaluation of Water Resources in Jerash Governorate and its Suitability for Drinking and Agricultural Purposes,Al al-Bayt University,Master Thesis,2022.
Impact of Climate Change on Groundwater Recharge in Wadi Araba North Basin Using Geospatial Techniques ,Al-Balqa Applied University,Master Thesis,2022.
Identification of Vulnerability of Potable Water Network and Wastewater System in Al-Salt Sub-district,Al-Balqa Applied University,Master Thesis,2020.
Thesis Defense Committee Membership
Potential Climate Change Effects on Groundwater Resources in the Upper Aquifer of Amman Zarqa Basin,Al-Balqa Applied University,Master Thesis,2023.
Effects Of Climate Variability and Change on Water Resource in Jordan ,Al-Balqa Applied University,Master Thesis,2022.
Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources of Yarmouk River Basin ,Al-Balqa Applied University,Master Thesis,2022.

Honors and Academics Awards
# Award Name Donor Name Award Year Award Country
1Winning the competition for project support and the project titled Environmental Risk Assessment of Humra Landfill on Groundwater Quality based on Modeling and Pollution IndicesScientific Research and Innovation Support Fund in the Ministry of higher Education and Scientific Research2021Jordan
2Honorary Certificate granted by the Team leader of EU funded and the director of the Technical and Vocational Skills Development Commission for outstanding technical contributions in SESIP projectDirector of the Technical and Vocational Skills Development Commission and the director of SESIP project2020Jordan
3Honorary Certificate granted by the President of BAU for achieving 2018 UI GreenMetric World University Ranking as being the director of IRCWEE and the Person in charge of the Ranking in BAUPresident of Balqa Applied University2019Jordan
4Honorary Certificate granted by the Chief of the Central Region Police for outstanding efforts made in the Environmental Committee in the Local Security Council of Al-Salt City Security CenterThe Central Region Police2018Jordan
5Honorary Certificate awarded by the Director of the Center for Development and Quality Assurance, for the distinguished efforts made to make a training course successful for new faculty membersCenter for Development and Quality Assurance2018Jordan
6Honorary Certificate granted by the President of BAU for achieving 2017 UI GreenMetric World University Ranking as being the director of IRCWEE and the Person in charge of the Ranking in BAUPresident of Balqa Applied University2017Jordan
7Honorary Certificate granted by the President of BAU for achieving 2016 UI GreenMetric World University Ranking as being the director of IRCWEE and the Person in charge of the Ranking in BAUPresident of Balqa Applied University2017Jordan

Environmental Risk Assessment of Humra Landfill on Groundwater Quality Based on Modeling and Pollution Indices ,Scientific Research Fund in the Ministry of higher Education and Scientific Research,2021/08-2023/08.

Conferences and Workshops
# Conference/Workshop Name Conference/Workshop Place Conference/Workshop Date
1Water Scarcity: Risks and Solutions, Water Perspectives in Emerging CountriesTunisia2018/04
2The 3rd International Workshop on UI GreenMetric Global Campus Partnership for Sustainable FutureTurkey2017/04
3International Conference on Geology and Geophysics :(ICGG2013)China2013/06

Other Contributions:
*Senior consultant and team leader of preparing the Environmental Impact Assessment study of Irbid Development Area. This consultation was paid by the Northern Development Company (NDC) and executed under the umbrella of IRCWEE at Al-Balqa Applied University as I applied for and won the study tender. Duties included administrative and financial coordination for different projects activities in addition to designing and writing TOR document, preliminary EIA report and final EIA report. Moreover, correspondence with the Ministry of Environment and many institutions to fulfill its requirements was a pivotal task. Furthermore, planning for conducting the scoping session related to the EIA study, inviting the relative parties, participating in the session as a speaker, thereafter contributing in writing the scoping session report were also done..
*Non-Key Expert in the EU funded project titled Technical Assistance for the Skills for Employment and Social Inclusion (SESIP), duties including implementing data mining, processing, analysis and production of structured information needed for the assignment results, collect data and documentation, preparation of training and instructional material (Handbook, guide), field visits and collect all data and liaise with the SESIP Communication and Visibility through the web sites and communication channels.

Community Service :
* Member of the Environment Committee in the Locals Security Council of the City Security Center - Al-Salt City Voluntary work.
* Coordinator for a training program entitled Grey Water and Water Harvesting under the umbrella of the project titled Strengthening resilience of communities hosting refugees through sustainable solutions. This project was funded by UNDP and OPIC/OFID. https://bau.edu.jo/bauliveportal/NewsDetail.aspx?news_id=6038&newsSourceType=1.
* Member of the general board of the Jordanian Saudi Charitable Association for Support of Blind Women in Amman, Jordan (Voluntary Work).
* Member of the administerial board and treasurer of the Jordanian Saudi Charitable Association for Support of Blind Women in Amman, Jordan (Voluntary Work).
* Director and coordinator of a training program entitled Hydroponic and Aquaponic https://www.bau.edu.jo/BauLivePortal/NewsDetail.aspx?news_id=4720&newsSourceType=1.
* Director and coordinator of a training program entitled Recycling of Household Materials to Make Handicrafts. The targeted category was of women from Al-Salt City https://www.bau.edu.jo/bauliveportal/NewsDetail.aspx?news_id=6747.

Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Muheeb M. Awawdeh-Yarmouk University ,awawdeh@yu.edu.jo.
Mr. Eng. Raed Musa Awad-Regional Director of Environment Directorate in Lafarge Cement Factory ,raed.awad@lafargeholcim.com.

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