الجمعة 3-5-2024 الموافق 25 شوال 1445 منصة البلقاء الرقمية منصة البلقاء الرقمية | خريجو البلقاء | دليل الهاتف | English
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المشاريع و المؤتمرات:
bullet مؤتمر جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية الأول في مشاريع البحث العلمي
bullet المؤتمر الدولي الاول - مستقبل الاستدامة لبيئة الاعمال: تجارب عملية
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bullet Med-Quad
bullet International Conference on Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology
bullet Erasmus+ Projects
Research Intersets
University Courses Taught
Dr. Dr Sokainah Rawashdeh
Qualified nuclear physicist with a strong educational foundation in the field, holding a PhD in Nuclear Physics. Equipped with this advanced degree, I possess a deep understanding of nuclear physics and a passion for impactful research. Seeking opportunities to contribute my expertise to cutting-edge projects and drive advancements in the field.
Faculty of Engineering Technology
 Major: Physics
 Minor: Theoretical nuclear physics
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8354-7383
WoS: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/op/publications/add
Scopus Author ID: 57201909541
Scopus Link: https://service.elsevier.com/app/overview/scopus/
Researcher ID: 2002331
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=ar?authuser%3D1&pli=1&authuser=1&user=lHoqk60AAAAJ

I am a dedicated researcher and lecturer, with a proven track record of achievements in both academia and research. Alongside my research pursuits, I have a passion for teaching and sharing knowledge with students. I possess strong communication and presentation skills, enabling me to effectively convey complex concepts to diverse audiences. As a lecturer, I aim to create an engaging and inclusive learning environment, fostering intellectual curiosity and critical thinking among my students. Guiding and mentoring the next generation of aspiring researchers is a priority for me, as I strive to impart subject specific knowledge and foster a love for learning and academic excellence. Through my combined roles as a researcher and lecturer, I contribute to the advancement of knowledge by conducting rigorous investigations and inspiring students to embark on their own academic and research journeys.

Research Intersets:
I am deeply interested in three research fields: experimental nuclear physics, theoretical nuclear physics, and quantum physics. They offer exciting prospects to engage in hands on investigations, explore fundamental principles and mathematical models in nuclear structure, atomic nuclei, and particle behavior. These interconnected fields provide opportunities to contribute and shape the future of nuclear physics research.

# Degree University Specialization Graduation year
1PHDUniversity of JordanPhysics2018
2MASTER DEGREEMutah universityPhysics2006
3BACHELOR'S DEGREEMutah universityPhysics1999

Academic Experience:
2018 -Current :Full-Time Lecturer with Rank of Assistant Professor B,Al-Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2012 -2018 :Teacher B,Al-Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2010 -2012 :Full-Time Lecturer with Rank of Teacher B,Al-Balqa Applied University,Jordan.

Administrative Experience:

1- Natural Radioactivity in Carbonate Rocks Outcropping at Al-Lajjun Region, South Jordan by Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy ,International Journal of Plant, Animal and Enviromental Sciences, 2024,Vol. 14,no. 1.
2- A deformed global spherical optical potential to describe proton scattering off statically deformed heavy nuclei ,Results in physics, 2023,Vol. 49,no. 6.
3- Derivation of a new formula for calculating the two neutrons' separation energy ( S 2 n ) based on the liquid-drop model ,Measurement: Sensors, 2023,Vol. 27,no. 4.
4- Semi-Microscopic Optical-Model with Channel Coupling Analysis to Describe Neutron-Nucleus Scattering of light and heavy Nuclei ,Nuclear Physics A, 2023,Vol. ,no. .
5- The Quantum Tunneling of Ions Model Can Explain the Pathophysiology of Tinnitus ,Brain Sciences, 2022,Vol. 62,no. 4.
6- The Effect of Different Ordering Ambiguity on the Wave Functions Corresponding to a Velocity- Dependent Potential ,Canadian Journal of pure and Applied Sciences, 2018,Vol. 11,no. 1.
7- An optical potential for the statically deformed actinide nuclei derived from a global spherical potential ,European physical journal A, 2018,Vol. 54,no. 4.
8- Optical Analysis of Isotactic Polypropylene: Characterize the Types of Isotactic Polypropylene Spherulites ? and ?, and Their Optical Properties ,British Journal of Science, 2017,Vol. 17,no. 1.
9- The structure of Isotactic Polypropylene Crystallized from the Melt ,Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology, 2012,Vol. 3,no. 5.

University Courses Taught
1- General Physics 102.
2- General Physics 101.
3- Applied Physics.
4- Physical Concepts.
5- General Physics 112.
6- General Physics 111.

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