الخميس 16-5-2024 الموافق 9 ذو القعدة 1445 منصة البلقاء الرقمية منصة البلقاء الرقمية | خريجو البلقاء | دليل الهاتف | English
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Research Intersets
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Community Service
Dr. Tahani Shakir
Dr. Tahani Abdel Fattah Shaker Ali, holds a doctorate in Arabic Language and Literature from the University of Jordan with an excellent grade, and has worked at Al-Balqa Applied University since 2008.
 Major: Arabic language and its literature
 Minor: Literature and criticism
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3685-1371
WoS: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/op/publications/add
Scopus Author ID: 0
Scopus Link: https://www.scopus.com/sources.uri?zone=TopNavBar&origin=
Researcher ID: 10526
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=mLKPlR0AAAAJ&hl=ar

Tahani A. Shakir was born in 1973 in Jordan. She holds a PhD from the University of Jordan in Arabic language and literature in 2003, a master?s degree from University of Jordan in 1999, and a bachelor?s degree from University of Jordan in 1996. She teaches at the University of Al Balqa Applied as a lecturer from 2008 until now. She was a lecturer at the Hashemite University from 1999 to 2008, and a teacher in the ministery of education from 1998 to 1999. She has several published books and papers: "Biography in Arabic Literature: Fadwa Touqan, Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, and Ihsan Abbas, as a model" in 2002, and "The Space of the Place in Stranger of the River by Jamal Naji, 2021, and "The Connotations of the Title in Fadwa Toukan?s Collection of Poems "I found it?", the Jordanian Journal of Arabic Language and Literature, 2022. Her research interests focus on literary studies in modern literature.

Research Intersets:
1 - Modern Literature
2- Ancient literature
3- Literary criticism

# Degree University Specialization Graduation year
1PHDUniversity of JordanArabic language and its literature2003
2MASTER DEGREEUniversity of JordanArabic language and its literature1999
3BACHELOR'S DEGREEUniversity of JordanArabic language and its literature1996

Academic Experience:
2013 -Current :Associate Professor,Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2009 -2013 :Assistant Professor,Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2008 -2009 :Full-time lecturer,Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2005 -2008 :Teacher (A) for Ph.D. holders,The Hashemite University,Jordan.
1999 -2005 :Research and teaching assistant,The Hashemite University,Jordan.

Administrative Experience:

1- The irony in the poem "Oh Poetry" by Abdullah Al-Bardouni ,Anbar University Journal of Languages and Literature, 2023,Vol. 15,no. 3.
2- Patterns of Poetic Presence in the Prose of Ibn Hujjah al-Hamawi ?A Temporally Framed Intertextuality Study of Selected Texts from his Book (Qahwat al-Insha??)? ,University of Anbar Journal For Language and Literature, 2023,Vol. 15,no. 2.
3- Textual Overlap between Poetry and Prose in the Letters of Ibn H?ijjah Al-H?amawi? that existed in his Book (Qahwat al-Insha??): (An Analytical Study in Selected Models) ,Jordanian Journal of Arabic Language and Literature, 2023,Vol. 18,no. 3.
4- The Connotations of the Title in Fadwa Toukan?s Collection of Poems "I found it? ,The Jordanian Journal of Arabic Language and Literature, 2023,Vol. 18,no. 4.
5- The Space of the place in stranger of the river by Jamal Naji ,?Studies? of human and social sciences, 2021,Vol. 48,no. 3.
6- Anxiety about the unknown: a thematic study of Al-Muthaqab Al-Abdi?s potty ,Journal of Humanities - Research in Language and Literature (international peer-reviewed), 2017,Vol. 14,no. 28.
7- Memoirs of an Arab princess between East and West ,College of Arts Journal: Literature and Linguistics, 2017,Vol. 77,no. 6.
8- Expatriation in deewan ?Men aina yajeea Al hozn??? ,human sciences, 2016,Vol. 28,no. 28.

University Courses Taught
1- Arabic language 1.
2- Arabic language 2.
3- Arabic language 99.
4- Arabic language.
5- Applied Arabic language.

Community Service :
* Discussion of a masters thesis.
Discussion of a masters thesis.
Member of the Jordanian Writers Association.
Discussion of a masters thesis.

Prof. Dr. Prof. thanaa Ayyash-The Hashemite University ,emanayyash@yahoo.com.
Prof. Dr. Professor Abdel Baset Al-Zyoud-The Hashemite University ,abdzyoud@hu.edu.jo.

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