الإثنين 29-4-2024 الموافق 21 شوال 1445 منصة البلقاء الرقمية منصة البلقاء الرقمية | خريجو البلقاء | دليل الهاتف | English
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Research Intersets
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Master and Phd thesis contributions
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Journals Editor/ Reviewer
Journals Editor/ Reviewer
Community Service
Dr. Jafar Ahmad Abed Alzubi
Jafar A. Alzubi
 Major: Computer Engineering
 Minor: Networks Security
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6724-1421
WoS: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/G-7623-2017
Scopus Author ID: 56500521200
Scopus Link: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56500521200
Researcher ID: 7709
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9c3pVfUAAAAJ&hl=en

Jafar A. Alzubi is an associate professor at Al-Balqa Applied University, School of Engineering, Jordan. Received Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering - Computer Networks Security from Swansea University, Swansea - UK (2012). Master of Science degree (Hons.) in electrical and computer engineering from New York Institute of Technology, New York - USA (2005). And Bachelor of Science degree (Hons.) in Electrical Engineering, majoring in Electronics and Communications, from the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore - Pakistan (2001).
Jafar works and researches in multi and interdisciplinary environment involving Cyber Security, Machine Learning, classifications and detection of Web scams, Internet of Things, Wireless Sensor Networks, , Networks Security, Cryptography. A cumulative research experience for over ten years, resulted in publishing more than seventy papers in highly impacted journals.
Currently, he is senior IEEE member and serving as an editor and editorial board member and reviewer in many prestigious journals in computer engineering and sciences field.
Jafar is listed among the top 2% of scientists in the world according to the recently released list by Stanford University in 2022.

Research Intersets:
Cyber Security
Machine Learning
Networks Security
Internet of Things
Artificial Intelligence

# Degree University Specialization Graduation year
1PHDSwansea UniversityComputer Engineering2012
2MASTER DEGREENew York Institute of TechnologyElectrical And Computer Engineering2005
3BACHELOR'S DEGREEUniversity of Engineering and Technology, LahoreElectrical Engineering2001

Academic Experience:
2021 -Current :Associate Professor,Al-Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2016 -2021 :Associate Professor,Wake Forest University,United States of America.
2012 -2016 :Assistant Professor,Al-Balqa Applied University,Jordan.

Administrative Experience:
2023 -Current :Vice Dean of Faculty of Engineering,Al-Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2015 -2016 :Vice Dean of Faculty of Engineering,Al-Balqa Applied University,Jordan.
2013 -2015 :Head of Computer Engineering Department,Al-Balqa Applied University,Jordan.

1- Battery Management Solutions for Li-Ion Batteries Based on Artificial Intelligence ,Ain Shams Engineering Journal , 2023,Vol. 14,no. 12.
2- Blockchain-Enabled Security Management Framework for Mobile Edge Computing ,International Journal of Network Management, 2023,Vol. 35,no. 5.
3- Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Image Encryption Using Henon Map and Hopfield Chaotic Neural Network ,Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2023,Vol. 82,no. 22.
4- Fusion of deep learning based cyberattack detection and classification model for intelligent ,Cluster Computing, 2023,Vol. 26,no. 2.
5- Design of cost-based sizing and energy management framework for standalone microgrid using reinforcement learning ,Solar Energy, 2023,Vol. 251,no. 1.
6- Quantum Mayfly Optimization with Encoder-Decoder Driven LSTM Networks for Malware Detection and Classification Model ,Mobile Networks and Applications, 2023,Vol. 28,no. 2.
7- Cloud-IIoT-Based Electronic Health Record Privacy-Preserving by CNN and Blockchain-Enabled Federated Learning ,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2023,Vol. 19,no. 1.
8- Optimized Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection System for Fog and Edge Computing Environment ,Electronics, 2022,Vol. 11,no. 19.
9- A novel buffering fault?tolerance approach for network on chip (NoC) ,IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, 2022,Vol. 17,no. 4.
10- An efficient malware detection approach with feature weighting based on Harris Hawks optimization ,Cluster Computing, 2022,Vol. 25,no. 4.
11- An efficient cluster head selection for wireless sensor network-based smart agriculture systems ,Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022,Vol. 198,no. 1.
12- Optimal multiple key-based homomorphic encryption with deep neural networks to secure medical data transmission and diagnosis ,Expert Systems, 2022,Vol. 39,no. 4.
13- PADaaV: Blockchain-Based Parking Price Prediction Scheme for Sustainable Traffic Management ,IEEE ACCESS, 2022,Vol. 10,no. 1.
14- A high performance scalable fuzzy based modified Asymmetric Heterogene Multiprocessor System on Chip (AHt-MPSOC) reconfigurable architecture ,Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 2022,Vol. 42,no. 2.
15- Distracted driver detection using compressed energy efficient convolutional neural network ,Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems , 2022,Vol. 42,no. 2.
16- Blockchain and artificial intelligence enabled privacy-preserving medical data transmission in Internet of Things ,Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2021,Vol. 32,no. 12.
17- Performance Benefits of Network Coding for HEVC Video Communications in Satellite Networks ,Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering , 2021,Vol. 17,no. 3.
18- COBERT: COVID-19 Question Answering System Using BERT , Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2021,Vol. 48,no. 1.
19- Deep image captioning using an ensemble of CNN and LSTM based deep neural networks ,Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems , 2021,Vol. 40,no. 4.
20- OBPP: An ontology-based framework for privacy-preserving in IoT-based smart city ,Future Generation Computer Systems, 2021,Vol. 123,no. 1.
21- Artificial neural networks training algorithm integrating invasive weed optimization with differential evolutionary model ,Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2021,Vol. 14,no. 5.
22- Blockchain-based Lamport Merkle Digital Signature: Authentication tool in IoT healthcare ,Computer Communications, 2021,Vol. 170,no. 1.
23- An Improved IDAF-FIT Clustering Based ASLPP-RR Routing with Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network ,Mobile Networks and Applications , 2020,Vol. 26,no. 3.
24- Bipolar Fully Recurrent Deep Structured Neural Learning Based Attack Detection for Securing Industrial Sensor Networks ,Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies , 2020,Vol. 32,no. 7.
25- Paraphrase Identification using Collaborative Adversarial Networks ,Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems , 2020,Vol. 39,no. 1.
26- An Enhanced Mac Protocol Design Prolong Sensor Network Lifetime ,International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation , 2020,Vol. 10,no. 1.
27- An Optimal Pruning Algorithm of Classifier Ensembles: Dynamic Programming Approach ,Neural Computing and Applications, 2020,Vol. 32,no. 20.
28- Chip to chip communication through the photonic integrated circuit: A new paradigm to optical VLSI ,Optik - International Journal of Light and Electron Optics , 2020,Vol. 202,no. 1.
29- Cryptosystem Design Based on Hermitian Curves for IoT Security ,The Journal Of Supercomputing , 2020,Vol. 76,no. 11.
30- Hashed Needham Schroeder Industrial IoT based Cost Optimized Deep Secured data transmission in cloud ,Measurement , 2020,Vol. 150,no. 1.
31- A task-based model for minimizing energy consumption in WSNs ,Energy Systems, 2019,Vol. 13,no. 3.
32- Realization of antireflection elements using glass-based photonic crystal structures ,Optik - International Journal of Light and Electron Optics , 2019,Vol. 199,no. 1.
33- Controlling of optical fiber bending losses through ?WARN? parameter and machine learning direction at three communication windows ,Optik - International Journal of Light and Electron Optics , 2019,Vol. 194,no. 1.
34- Analytical studies on FBG based SOI structure for realization of optical interconnect ,Optik - International Journal of Light and Electron Optics , 2019,Vol. 193,no. 1.
35- Assessing risk in life insurance using ensemble learning ,Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems , 2019,Vol. 37,no. 2.
36- An Optimization Model for Software Quality Prediction With Case Study Analysis Using MATLAB ,IEEE Access, 2019,Vol. 7,no. 1.
37- An efficient and adaptable multimedia system for converting PAL to VGA in real?time video processing ,Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, 2019,Vol. 17,no. 6.
38- Optimum Range of Angle Tracking radars: A Theoretical Computing ,International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2019,Vol. 9,no. 3.
39- + A Novel Chaotic Map Encryption Methodology for Image Cryptography and Secret Communication with Steganography ,International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2019,Vol. 8,no. IC2.
40- Boosted neural network ensemble classification for lung cancer disease diagnosis ,Applied Soft Computing , 2019,Vol. 80,no. 1.
41- A Survey of Specific IoT Applications ,International Journal on Emerging Technologies, 2019,Vol. 10,no. 1.
42- A new algorithm for optimization of quality of service in peer to peer wireless mesh networks ,Wireless Networks, 2019,Vol. 26,no. 6.
43- Decentralized Internet of Things ,Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 2019,Vol. 10,no. 2.
44- Efficient approaches forPrediction of Brain Tumor using Machine Learning Techniques ,Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 2019,Vol. 10,no. 2.
45- Eccentric Methodology with Optimization to Unearth Hidden Facts of Search Engine Result Pages ,Recent Patents on Computer Science, 2019,Vol. 12,no. 2.
46- A Novel Method for Recognition of Persian Alphabet by Using Fuzzy Neural Network ,IEEE Access, 2018,Vol. 6,no. 1.
47- Machine Learning from Theory to Algorithm: An Overview ,Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018,Vol. 1142,no. 1.
48- Automated Irrigation System to Monitoring Soil Moisture Using Humidity Sensor in Arduino with Bluetooth ,International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2018,Vol. 118,no. 14.
49- Managing The Cloud Storage Using Deduplication and Secured Fuzzy Keyword Search for Multiple Data Owners ,International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2018,Vol. 118,no. 14.
50- Consensus-Based Combining Method for Classifier Ensembles ,The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, 2018,Vol. 15,no. 1.
51- Understanding Jordanian Consumers' Online Purchase Intentions: Integrating Trust to the UTAUT2 Framework ,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2017,Vol. 12,no. 20.
52- Performance Evaluation of Turbo Codes in High Speed Downlink Packet Access Using EXIT Charts ,Journal: International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, 2017,Vol. 10,no. 8.
53- A Frequency Based Hierarchical Fast Search Block Matching Algorithm for Fast Video Video Communications ,International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2016,Vol. 7,no. 4.
54- Numerical modeling of the impact of pump wavelength on Yb-doped fiber amplifier performance ,Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2016,Vol. 48,no. 11.
55- Diversity-Based Boosting Algorithm ,International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2016,Vol. 7,no. 5.
56- Dynamic and Reactive Multi-Objective Routing Decision in Position-based Routing Protocols ,International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2016,Vol. 16,no. 6.
57- Solving Attribute Reduction Problem using Wrapper Genetic Programming ,International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2016,Vol. 16,no. 5.
58- : Secure Channel Coding Schemes based on Algebraic-Geometric Codes over Hermitian Curves ,Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2016,Vol. 22,no. 2.
59- Intelligent and Dynamic Neighbourhood Entry Lifetime for Position-based Routing Protocol Using Fuzzy Logic Controller ,International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security , 2016,Vol. 14,no. 1.
60- Optimal Classifier Ensemble Design Based on Cooperative Game Theory ,Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2015,Vol. 11,no. 12.
61- Near Capacity Irregular Turbo Code ,Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2015,Vol. 8,no. 23.
62- Cyber Attack Challenges and Resilience for Smart Grids ,European Journal of Scientific Research, 2015,Vol. 134,no. 1.
63- Performance Evaluation of Position-based Routing Protocols using Different Mobility Models in MANET ,International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015,Vol. 119,no. 3.
64- Intrusion Detection ,IET Engineering & Technology Reference, 2014,Vol. 1,no. 1.
65- Packet Error Rate performance of IEEE802.11g under Bluetooth interface ,Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2014,Vol. 8,no. 12.
66- Key Economic and Environmental Perspectives on Sustainability in the ICT sector ,Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 2014,Vol. 21,no. 8.
67- Dynamic Redundancy FEC for Supporting Video Delivery over IP Networks ,Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2014,Vol. 8,no. 2.

University Courses Taught
1- Digital Logic Design.
2- Fundamentals of Cyber Security.
3- Operating Systems.
4- Special Topics in Computer Engineering.
5- Computer Networks.
6- Database Systems.
7- Optimal Control Systems.
8- Engineering Analysis.

Master and Phd thesis contributions
Thesis Supervision
Swarm based Model for Solving Intrusion Detection Problem ,Al-Balqa Applied University,Master Thesis,2021.
Securing Private Data by Honey Encryption and Edwards Curves ,Al-Balqa Applied University,Master Thesis,2020.
Cryptosystem Design based on Hermitian Curves ,Al-Balqa Applied University,Master Thesis,2016.
Thesis Defense Committee Membership
Performance Evaluation of Congestion Control Mechanisms in IoT Networks within Fog/ Edge Computing ,Al-Ahliyya Amman University,Master Thesis,2023.
Enhancement of Queuing Algorithm for improving Network Performance ,Al-Balqa Applied University,Master Thesis,2017.

Constructing A Blended Deep Learning Framework for Intrusion Detection in IoMT ,Al-Balqa Applied University,2022/07-2023/09.
Internet of Things Intrusion Detection: A Machine Learning Approach ,Al-Balqa Applied University,2022/02-2023/10.
DNA cryptography based security framework for health-cloud data ,Al-Balqa Applied University,2023/04-2024/11.
A Feature Learning Enabled Malware Analysis for Cybersecurity ,Al-Balqa Applied University,2023/01-2024/01.

Conferences and Workshops
# Conference/Workshop Name Conference/Workshop Place Conference/Workshop Date
13rd International Conference on Computing and Communication NetworksUnited Kingdom2023/11
29th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and intelligent Systems (IEEE-CFIS)Iran2022/03
3International Symposium on Advanced Electrical and Communication Technologies 2018 (ISAECT? 18).Morocco2018/11
4International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures of Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 18)China2018/11
524th IEEE International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC? 18).United Kingdom2018/09
6Social Media: The Good, the Bad, and the UglyUnited Kingdom2016/09
7International Conference on Engineering & MIS 2015 (ICEMIS 15)Turkey2015/09

# Book Name Publisher Name Year
1Forward Error Correction Based On Algebraic-Geometric TheorySpringer2014
2Deep Learning for Medical Decision Support SystemsSpringer2020
3Fundamentals Of Mobile CommunicationREDSHINE London2022
4Deep Learning for Cancer DiagnosisSpringer2020
5Smart Distributed Embedded Systems for Healthcare ApplicationsCRC Press2023
6Green Building Management and Smart AutomationIGI Global publishers2019
7Challenges and Solutions for Sustainable Smart City DevelopmentSpringer2021
8Healthcare Monitoring and Data Analysis using IoT: Technologies and applicationsIET Publishers2022

Journals Editor/ Reviewer
IEEE Access.
Measurement: Sensors.
Future Generation Computer Systems.
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence.
Wireless Networks.
Computers and Electrical Engineering.
Expert Systems With Applications.
international journal of cognitive computing in engineering.
Applied Soft Computing Journal.
Multimedia Tools and Applications.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience.
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics.
Cybernetics and Systems.
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management.
Cognitive Computation.
Computer Communications.

Other Contributions:
*Consultation on formulating the competitive exam held by the Civil Service Bureau for applicants applying for positions in Computer Engineering.
*The Jordanian teams proctor in the IEEEXtreme competition organized by IEEE.
*Ph.D. Thesis Evaluation - Efficient Time Series Data Classification Using Sliding Window Technique Enhanced Support Vector Machine - Institute of Science, Technology, and Advanced Studies - Chennai, India.
*Ph.D. Thesis Evaluation ? Study And Analysis On Quality Of Service (QoS) With An Adaptive Routing Support Over Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) - Vellore Institute Of Technology - Vellore, India.
*Ph.D. Thesis Evaluation - A Novel Approach For Securing Routing Protocol For Low-Power And Lossy Networks (RPL) Based Internet Of Things From Rank Attacks - Anna University, Chennai - India.
*Ph.D. Thesis Evaluation - Design And Development Of Real Time Criminology Detection And Criminal Identification - Bharathiar University, India.
*Evaluation of projects participating in the Jordanian Engineers Association competition for graduation projects.
*Ph.D. Thesis Evaluation - Deep Learning-based Price Forecasting for Horticultural Produce - National Institute of Technology Durgapur, India.
*Ph.D. Thesis Evaluation - Emoticon Based Opinion Mining Strategies For Micro Blogging Networks - Vellore Institute Of Technology , Vellore - India.

Community Service :
* Presenting an educational lecture series on safe internet usage.
* Delivered a free course titled "Fundamentals of Programming".
* Delivered a free course titled "Computer Components".

Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Piuri-Universita Degli Studi Di Milano ,vincenzo.piuri@unimi.it.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Chen-City University London ,tom.chen.1@city.ac.uk.
Prof. Dr. Stefano Taccheo-Swansea University ,s.taccheo@swansea.ac.uk.

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